Bluehost Review: Don’t Let Affiliates Trick You Into Using Them

Bluehost was once a standout in budget hosting but has lost some of its luster. It still presents an attractive package, but be wary of aggressive upsells, significant renewal price increases, and servers only located in the United States.

Suitable for: Beginners-friendly Hosting


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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why You Should Avoid Bluehost
    • Poor Specs
    • Too Many Affiliates
    • Paid Recommendations by WordPress
    • Slow Performance
    • CPU Throttling and Inode Limit
    • Limited Data Centers and No Full Page Caching
    • Frequent Downtimes with No Guarantee
    • Malware and Sitelock Scams
    • High Renewal Rates
    • Lack of Automatic Backups on Lower Plans
    • Poor Support and Long Wait Times
    • Slow Dashboard
    • Owned by Newfold Digital
    • Community Feedback
  3. Bluehost Alternatives
  4. Conclusion


If you’re considering Bluehost as your hosting provider, stop right there! This review is your heads-up about why Bluehost might not be the best choice for your website. Based on extensive user feedback and technical analysis, we’ll break down the major downsides of using Bluehost and why you should think twice before signing up.

Why You Should Avoid Bluehost

Poor Specs

When it comes to specifications, Bluehost falls short. Here’s a comparison table to illustrate how it stacks up against other popular hosting providers:

PlanServer TypeStorageCores/RAMData CentersCDNMajor IncidentsPrice for 3 YearsRenewals
Bluehost Choice PlusShared40GB SATANot listed6Cloudflare (free)Downtimes, fake reviews, scams$304.08$19.99/mo
Hostinger Business WPShared200GB SATA2 cores/1.5GB8QUIC.cloudTTFB, DNS, CPU issues$299.40$8.99-$14.99/mo
SiteGround GrowBigShared20GB SATANot listed10SG OptimizerNone$659.64$19.95/mo
Scala Entry WP CloudShared/cloud50GB NVMeNo limit2LiteSpeed CacheNone$538.20$24.95/mo
ChemiCloud TurboShared40GB NVMe3 cores/3GB11LiteSpeed CacheNone$215.64$19.95/mo

Bluehost uses Apache servers, which are slower compared to the LiteSpeed servers used by competitors like ChemiCloud. Additionally, the lack of details on CPU cores and RAM in their plans is a major red flag.

Too Many Affiliates

Bluehost’s popularity is largely driven by a massive affiliate program that pays up to $150 per sale. This incentivizes affiliates to promote Bluehost aggressively, often without mentioning its drawbacks. Essentially, you’re paying for biased recommendations.

Paid Recommendations by WordPress

Did you know that Bluehost’s recommendation by WordPress isn’t as official as it sounds? Bluehost pays WordPress to be listed as a recommended host. This arrangement questions the authenticity of the recommendation. Always take such endorsements with a grain of salt.

Slow Performance

Performance is crucial for any website, and Bluehost fails to deliver. The Time to First Byte (TTFB), a key performance metric, is often around 1 second for Bluehost, far exceeding the recommended 600ms. This slow server response can hurt your website’s SEO and user experience.

CPU Throttling and Inode Limit

Bluehost’s unclear resource allocation means you might face CPU throttling and a restrictive 200,000 inode limit. This is problematic for websites with heavy traffic or numerous files. Other hosts offer much higher inode limits, making Bluehost’s offering seem quite limited.

Limited Data Centers and No Full Page Caching

Bluehost has only six data centers and doesn’t allow you to choose your server location. Additionally, their integration with Cloudflare doesn’t support full page caching, which is essential for reducing TTFB and improving site speed.

Frequent Downtimes with No Guarantee

Bluehost has a history of frequent downtimes and lacks a reliable uptime guarantee. Their network status page often provides limited information, leaving you in the dark about server issues.

Malware and Sitelock Scams

Bluehost, along with other Newfold Digital brands, has been associated with malware scams. They might flag your site for malware and refer you to their partner, Sitelock, which charges hefty fees for malware removal and protection. This is a shady practice that you should be aware of.

High Renewal Rates

The initial low prices of Bluehost can be tempting, but be prepared for a renewal rate hike of up to 338%. This can lock you into an expensive plan, especially if your website grows and requires more resources.

Lack of Automatic Backups on Lower Plans

Automatic backups are crucial for website security, but Bluehost doesn’t offer them on their lower-tier plans. This means you’ll need to manage backups manually or pay for a higher plan.

Poor Support and Long Wait Times

Expect long wait times and poor support quality with Bluehost. Even though their TrustPilot rating has improved, many users still report unsatisfactory experiences with their support team.

Slow Dashboard

Navigating Bluehost’s dashboard can be painfully slow, with page load times often reaching 5-10 seconds. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re used to working quickly and efficiently.

Owned by Newfold Digital

Bluehost is part of Newfold Digital, formerly known as EIG. This company has a reputation for acquiring hosting companies and reducing their quality by cutting costs and stifling innovation.

Community Feedback

Community feedback on platforms like Facebook groups often highlights the negative experiences users have with Bluehost. Frequent complaints about downtimes, poor performance, and unresponsive support are common.

Bluehost Alternatives

Given all these downsides, you might be wondering about better alternatives. Here are a few hosting providers that offer superior performance, better support, and more transparent pricing:

  1. ChemiCloud – Known for its fast LiteSpeed servers, NVMe SSDs, and stellar support.
  2. SiteGround – Offers robust performance, excellent support, and a range of features.
  3. Hostinger – Provides affordable plans with good performance, though be aware of occasional ethical concerns.
  4. Scala Hosting – Offers a mix of shared and cloud hosting with scalable resources and strong support.


To sum up, Bluehost may not be the best choice for your hosting needs. From poor performance and unclear specifications to high renewal rates and questionable business practices, there are many reasons to consider other options. Do your research, read user reviews, and choose a host that truly meets your needs. Don’t let affiliates trick you into a subpar hosting experience.

If you found this review helpful, make sure to share it with others who might be considering Bluehost. And remember, a good hosting provider is key to a successful website!

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